Friday, October 5, 2012

Five Themes of Geography Tic-Tac-Toe for student choice activities

Resources that will help you complete your activities:

1. A list of World Regions from the CDC:

Game ideas:  Bazinga game directions can be found here:

You can create your own unique game as well.

2. You can Google "family tree templates" and find a template that you would like to use to create your family tree. Here is a good tree you can print and fill out or type in the template and print out:

3. Use excel to create your graph. I can help you with that.

4. I have some poster paper you can use.

5. Google "flow chart" to see what yours should look like.  You can probably find a template to create online.

6. Use Word to type up your myth and illustrate it with clip art or your own drawing.

7. You can create a 5-column chart in Word.  I can help if you don't know how.

8. Type up your interview questions in Word leaving space between each question to record answers.

9. Your travelogue should be typed in Word.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Voice My Election

My Election Polls – a series of questions focused on the opinions and concerns of students across the nation. New polls will be featured twice a week – asking for students to sound-off about various national, social and community issues.

Go here to voice your opinions:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A to Z World Culture free trial

A to Z World Culture is an online resource of information about 175 countries world wide.  We have a free trial until Nov. 7th.  We will use this for our 'Country Scavenger Hunt' anchor activity!  Enjoy!
{see Ms. Kerr for the user/pass}

Monday, August 27, 2012

Online Geography Games

Latitude and Longitude on
username: claymustangs
passwords: mustangs

  • watch the movie
  • do the quiz

Latitude and Longitude Games

Treasure Hunt (it starts out easy but gets harder as you go along!) 
Longitude and Latitude Game (this is good because you have to identify continents and oceans too) 
Help Hannah find herself

World Geo. Games

All About World Geography

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Geography Terms Quizlet

Practice your geography terms using this online flashcard website:         

Sign up for an account.  Create a username and password.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Caricature {South Park Style}


By Tracee Orman

Students go here:
The website “SP-Studio” was created by Janina Himmen and is not affiliated with South Park or
Comedy Central. 

Have fun!  {p.s. I do not condone South Park, the tv show, I actually think it's very inappropriate.  This activity has nothing to do with the content of the show except for the style of illustration.}